Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HIST300F: Visiting the Philippine Exposition

Stereotypical turn-of-the-century white newsman: This Philippine exposition is the bee's knees, the cat's meow of the whole fair I tells ya!!!  (June 1, 1904 at 2:34 p.m.)

Stereotypical turn-of-the-century white newsman (following race riot between U.S. marines and Filipino scouts): This is not fun. (July 7, 1904 at 3:33 p.m.)


  1. White middle class woman from St. Louis: "I was appalled at the nakedness of the savages in the villages. I can see why they put them way over here across the bridge, they scare me a little. But I’ll bet a little more work by Americans in the Philippines will make them all look like those fine Filipino scouts parading through the streets at the opening of the fair. "

  2. Rich White Educated Elite: I am looking forward to going to the Louisiana Exposition today. I want to learn more about the Filipinos and their culture. I am most looking forward to going to the Ethnological building. (March 19, 1904 at 11:30 a.m.).

  3. I am a Filipino elite, who was a Filipino soldier for the army, but now works for the government. I am originally from the Philippines, but I work in Panama. My gender is male and I am in my 30's. I will be going to the Philippine Exposition to show the Americans on how imperialism was run in the Philippines. My status is now that I am currently still working for the government that is trying to stop the spread of diseases in the Panama Canal.

  4. White, middle class woman from the South: “After visiting the exposition, I am worried about primal savagery in the United States. The Filipino scouts don’t seem to pose a threat to our society though.”

  5. White Upper class Male updating status after seeing the Bontocs in the Igorote Village:
    "After seeing these savages I can only believe the rumors about dog eating and headhunting. What a sight these Filipinos are!"

  6. Rich, white businessman from the north: "Explored the forestry building at the Philippine exposition today. May have found new business deal to exploit! Good quality hardwoods but the Filipinos just don't seem to know how to use their natural resources for maximum profit."

  7. White, middle class, Temperance Movement member: "I'm not sure whats more of a sight for sore eyes; the savage men at home hitting the bottle amongst other things, or the savage Filipino people. I guess the journalists were right."

  8. White, uneducated lower class supremacist after touring Igorot Village, St. Louis 1904:
    "Went to go seen them savage filipinos today. Stupid people still living in mud huts! And who ever heard of fishing without a rod? And with their nakedness, well, I ain't never seen a colored folk so backwards and lazy as these idiots."

  9. Rich white Southern woman: “ Well I declare, I had a grand time at the fair! That Philippine exhibit was definitely one for the books! I was a bit nervous however, being so close to those savages and all, but its delightful to see the progress that our boys are making over there. Those Filipino Scouts are quite scrumptious.”

  10. Wealthy African American Man: This is despicable. I hear the comments that people are making about the new people from the Philippine Islands and they may be true. But the sad part, is that they speak about how uncivilized they are and that they are animals. Now here's the sad part: they look like me. (July 7, 1904 at 1437)

  11. Native Filipino in the Visayan Village: "Ummm... What is with this bamboo fence? Don't they realize I can't get out! What is with these people standing guard? Confound this fence!!"

  12. White supremacist: "I took a look at some of the exhibits today. It seemed to be an honest representation of the filipinos and their way of life. I saw the least civilized in the Igorots and negrito exhibits, some semi-civilized in the moros and the most civilized and cultured in the constabulary. It seems like our boys have done some good civilizing these savages, however obviosuly we still have plenty of work to do. Hopefully its safe to have these barbarians here, especially concerning our women, but of course as masculine, manly men we won't hesitate to protect what belongs to us.

  13. White middle class woman: "Worried about our boys over there surrounded by these savages! Exhibit was extremely educational, but sort of scary, but I certainly can't see any reason why this exhibit would offend anyone, right?"

  14. Upper Middle Class, White, Middle Age, American: It is a shame to see civilized and physiological development among eastern peoples, such as these Filipinos here, stunted in such a manner. Why, I was fascinated to discover the existence of the Negritos. This seems to give common ancestry to the African Negro we are so familiar with and peoples of the Phillippines. It would certainly explain a lot concerning the state of both races.

  15. White middle class woman: While I did enjoy all the exhibits and architecture on display, I was moved interested in the one on the outskirts of the Filipino natives. My husband and our friends found the Filipino men to be dirty, dastardly, and savage, yet I cannot deny that there is something… intriguing about them. Seeing them all dressed up walking through the crowd just like they were one of us was made me feel like I just survived Yellow Fever. I did hand my address to one of them to see if he would join me for tea later ;)

  16. White middle class woman: While I did enjoy all the exhibits and architecture on display, I was moved interested in the one on the outskirts of the Filipino natives. My husband and our friends found the Filipino men to be dirty, dastardly, and savage, yet I cannot deny that there is something… intriguing about them. Seeing them all dressed up walking through the crowd just like they were one of us was made me feel like I just survived Yellow Fever. I did hand my address to one of them to see if he would join me for tea later ;)

  17. White "scientist": Spent all day at the exhibit observing native's behavior and conclude that this primitive race indeed needs Uncle Sam as a parental guide in the evolution of their society. Cannot fully rule out that they are capable of living in civilized society--though it is entirely possible they simply lack the capacity.

  18. White Southern Upper Class Male Elite: "I say I came to see the savages everyone seems to be talking about. Our boys have done some good work in getting those folk on the right track. I see a lot of potential profits to be made there. If only we could get them to wear some clothes! I just don't know about letting them roam around unsupervised something could happen."

  19. Per Peter:

    White Male Soldier " look at these goo goo guards prancing around in the uniforms we gave them trying to deceive our Anglo women of their savagery"

  20. Southern White supremacist: "Went to the World's Fair in St. Louis today. I must say I was mightily impressed by the sheer magnitude of the exhibition. It is no surprise it all cost $50,000,000. 1240 acres. Does this not show the might our America has attained since the great Louisiana Purchase? No other World's Fair has put so much money and effort into their undertaking than what is taking place in St. Louis. There are exhibits from all over, showing the far reaching influence of the United States. We even have some 40 acres on the outskirts dedicated to the tropical people's of the Philippines. I'm glad they are kept at a safe distance from the visitors.
