Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HIST300A: Hornaday's Zoological Nativism

Stereotypical Italian Laborer: Nothing like taking a break from bricklaying by going to the Bronx Zoo. (Sept. 5, 1905 at 3:32 p.m.)

WT Hornaday: Go away. (Sept. 5, 1905 at 3:35 p.m.)


  1. Hornaday: Make sure to never eat a turkey buzzard on camera by yourself. Last person I saw do that got into a knife fight to the death. (Page 101)

    Hornaday: "Does the Italian workman, or storekeeper who makes his living by honest toil enjoy breaking our bird laws?" (Page 104)

  2. William Hornaday: The immigrants with guns specifically the Italians are a problem to the poor birds. "It is now high time, and an imperative public necessity, that every state should act in this matter, before its bird life is suddenly attacked and serious inroads made upon it. Do it NOW! The enemy is headed your way. Don’t wait to for him to strike the first blow." (Page 103) March 8th 1904 @ 5:30 pm

    William Hornaday: "It is a shame that respectable white men sitting in the state legislatures should deliberately enact laws permitting such disgraceful practices, or permit such disgraceful practices, or permit such disgraceful and ungentlemanly laws to remain in force "(that allow the heinous act of killing song birds.) (Page 106) March 12th 1904 @ 7:15 pm. (Mr. Askins likes your comment)

    Mr. Askins: "Hardly a sportsman in the South will disagree with this conclusion. But sportsmen have never had a majority vote either in the South or in the North, and the South grave problem is yet unresolved. "(Page 113) March 12th 1904 @ 8:50 pm.

  3. William Hornaday: Honestly, I’ve had it with these Italians!! (p96)

    William Hornaday: Ah look! An inviting grove! Who’s tryna hang out today? (p96)

    William Hornaday: When a warden or citizen arrests an alien for killing any of our non-game birds I wish for him to have an extreme penalty: he must put a sign in his yard so that everyone can see he is a bird killer and he must tell all his neighbors what he’s done so they can be aware how dangerous he is- this is something that must be considered!(p100)

  4. Killing big vicious game for sport is one thing. but killing cute little song birds that weigh about the same as a young girl's love letter...for shame! That is not what we do here in America!

    OOHHH! look at me, I am an Italian! look feathers! lets go kill and eat it!- honestly...the Italians will destroy our livelihoods when they destroy our songbirds, we must stop them!

  5. William Hornaday: All of the birds that live in my backyard have been slowly disappearing...I suspect the Italians. And the Southern Negroes. And the poor Whites. And Satan. (Pages 95 & 105)
    [Luna Lovegood commented: I suspect Nargles.]

    Willaim Hornaday: I think part of the Naturalization process here should include a required American Birds and Culture 101 course.

    William Hornaday: The enemy is headed your way! (Page 103)
    [Antonio likes this.]

  6. William Hornaday: Birds know how to be civilized; why can’t people be more like birds? I can’t believe the Italian royalty allows its people to kill songbirds! And don’t even get me started on the Pope! And Italians are just so darn hard-working – taking jobs from people who might just feel like appreciating nature, listening to the songbirds for example. (Aug. 22, 1905 at 10:23 a.m.)
    (page 98 and 101)

  7. William Hornaday: WELL, obviously we have Italian song bird killers in North America. They're climbin' in your fields, snatchin' your birds up tryin' to eat 'em, so ya'll need to hide your quial, hide your snipe, AND hide your heron, because they be killin' erry-birdie out here! (Page 101)

    William Hornaday: Just for the record, I am SO NOT racist. My best friend is a poor white! OK...he's not...BUT as a zoologist, I am strongly against ANYONE who "makes a specialty of...any type of bird or wild animal slaughter" (Page 104.) And I don't care who knows it! SO THERE. PS: If you talk to Antonio, don't listen to him--he was totally asking for those blows and kicks and fines.

  8. William Homaday: "They swarm through the country every Sunday, and shoot every wild thing they see. Wherever there are large construction works, --railroads, canals or aqueducts, -- look for bird slaughter, and you are sure to find it. (Page 102)

    William Homaday: "The old days will only come back with the water that has gone down the stream." (Page 110)

  9. William Hornaday: Hey everyone! I am at Florence watching the filthy fiends killing bunches of birds. (Page 99).

    William Hornaday: Finally two Italians were arrested for killing forty-three innocent birds! Italians Beware! (Page 102).

    William Hornaday: People! The bird population has been expunged due to evil poor whites, negroes, and Italians. They think it's all right to obliterate these beautiful birds. I do not see the beautiful robins chirping in the morning because these inconsiderate murderers have decimated the bird population. We need to rectify this mess! (Page 108).

  10. William Hornaday: My new neighbor is Italian. Starting a neighborhood watch program to protect our wild life. Send me a message if interested. (102)

    William Hornaday: So what I don't like Italians or southern negroes, I'm not a racist, I will just never respect a race which finds enjoyment in slaughtering our wildlife!(105)

  11. William Hornady:Hey everyone come out to my event to save the song birds! P.S. if you show up wearing feathers or fur clothing you will be judged and kicked out!

    William Hornady: The war against bird killers in NYC has now officially begun (pg. 102).

  12. William Hornaday: I strongly recommend to every state the enactment of a law that will first; PROHIBIT the owning, carrying or use of firearms by aliens. Second, PROHIBIT the use of firearms in hunting by any naturalized alien from southern Europe until after a 10-years' residence in America. I say this because of first hand reports that have come to me about Italians in the East, Hungarians in Pennsylvania and Austrians in Minnesota, it seems absolutely certain that all members of the lower classes of southern Europe are a dangerous menace to our wild life.
    (Sept. 5, 1905 9:15 a.m.)
    (page 100)

  13. William Hornaday: "Okay, so if you shoot birds, you can say you're studying them? If I shoot people, then I'm studying them too, right? Okay Italians." (100)

    William Hornaday: "Oh, and don't give them guns, that's the last thing America needs." (103)

    Mr. Askins: "I'm not racist, I just think these facts clearly separate the uncivilized from the civilized." (110)

  14. Hornaday: These Italians need to take some lessons on how to love animals from the Germans, then maybe things would be so much better. (page 98)

    Hornaday: First the Italians want to kill all of their animals, then they come over and want to kill all of ours? Someone needs to lay the law down. (page 101)

  15. Hornaday: I just love how those German speaking people are able to protect their birds so that they can then be slaughtered by the Italians. (98)

    Hornaday: We must act NOW in order to defend the birds against attack! (103)

    Hornaday: I can’t believe that people actually collect and eat partridge eggs! (109)

  16. William Hornaday: "The Italians are coming! The Italians are coming! Look out for those bird-killing foreigners!" (102)

    William Hornaday: "I don't see race. I see wild animal slaughterers." (105)

  17. As Americans we love our guns, it is our American right to own them, but the new immigrated Americans can not own them, may they not eat

  18. Hornaday: We must quickly defend the birds of the
    South from being killed, or face the consequences, as Melanie and Mitch did in Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS!!!!!(109)

    Hornaday: In the North we don't kill birds,as they say on my favorite show Seinfeld, "we have a deal with the pigeons".(109)

  19. William Hornday: "Where have all the songbirds gone? Ca-Caw! Ca-Caw! Calling all white men to save our society in this time of great aves peril"

    William Hornday: “Like” the @Pennsylvania’s gun law. Its saved 10 million of their birds! (perhaps…maybe…well, at least a couple roccolo worth)

  20. Ugh look at all these Italians, they are decimating the songbird population, no real man would go after a songbird. Now leave me alone I need to go kill a white rhino.

    We Americans would never destroy an entire species of animals like you Italians, god so uncivilized, I mean honestly, its the job of us white folk to teach these heathens a lesson.
