Monday, February 27, 2012

UMBC HIST355: The Extermination of the American Bison

Isenberg identifies a number of critical forces that conspired to nearly wipe out American bison through the nineteenth century--what were some of these forces? We're you surprised? In our own popular culture today, how do we typically understand the factors that nearly destroyed the continent's bison populations? Does Isenberg solidify or further destroy the ecological Indian myth?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

UMW HIST300F: Degenerating in the Tropics

After reading the first half of Hoganson's work on the Philippines, she offers us examples of how war and empire offered opportunities to American men. After considering those examples, how does Hoganson reveal the rising domestic fears that empire corrupts and causes American men to degenerate? How do the suffragettes' concerns confirm these growing fears? How does Major Sweet respond to the prostitution problem?